Feeding Dogs Bones and Derivatives

As carnivores, it is little surprise that dogs enjoy eating and chewing animal bones. This behaviour has become emblematic of dogs as a whole, and bones have become strongly associated with the species. Owners should be careful, though. While bones are an effective enrichment item, under certain circumstances, they can be dangerous or have negative health implications. This should be carefully considered, and not taken for granted.

As a basic rule, raw bones are safe whereas cooked bones are not. When raw, bones may promote dental and gut health, but should only be fed in small amounts as in excess they can cause constipation and indigestion. Dogs should only be provided with larger and more robust bone pieces, and your vet will be able to advise you on which ones are safest. Cooked bones are far more likely to splinter, resulting in potentially fatal internal injuries and bleeding. Dogs should never be given or allowed access to cooked bones. These should always be carefully disposed of, ideally where they cannot be found and eaten.

As bones can offer health benefits to the dogs consuming them, we add small amounts of powdered bone to our specially formulated feeds. Powdered bone quantities are meticulously calculated to reduce their risk of causing constipation while maximising health benefits. For further advice on how to safely incorporate bones into your dog’s diet, please email woof@rawgeousdogfood.com.